PTE Core Reading And Writing Fill In The Blanks Overview

pte core reading and writing fill in the blanks

PTE Magic will uncover the PTE Core Reading and Writing Fill-In-The-Blanks format and how it is scored.

We also provide the necessary steps and tips to apply to the test for the best results.

Keep reading!

Key Takeaways

  • The PTE Core Reading and Writing Fill in the Blanks tests your reading and writing skills. This task has no specific time limit. 
  • The format, tense, and structure of the blanked sentence can give you clues about your answer.
  • PTE Magic offers free mock tests to build confidence and enhance your PTE Core scores.


PTE Core Reading And Writing Fill In The Blanks Format

pte core reading and writing fill in the blanks

This task will show test-takers a passage up to 200 words long with several gaps. You must select the correct words, which will drop down from the boxes on the screen to finish the questions. 

When test-takers click the button next to each gap, the answer options appear. To change your answer, click another option from the list. 

The PTE Core Reading and Writing Fill in the Blanks tests your reading and writing skills. This task has no specific time limit. 

How is The Task Scored?

Your grammar and reading skills will determine your Fill in the Blanks task scores. Maximum scores are given to test-takers who fill in all their blanks correctly. The scoring system applied in this section is partial credit, which gives you scores based on the part you did correctly. If some blanks are wrong, you won’t receive full points for the task.

PTE Core Fill in the Blanks affects your reading and writing scores. On the other hand, Pearson won’t test your listening and speaking skills in this section.

Steps To Get High Fill In The Blanks Scores

Step 1: Quickly Review the Passage

Start the task by quickly reviewing the given passage. This step helps you understand the overall context and grasp the main topic of the passage. 

Moreover, skimming through the text makes it easier for you to answer. Remember, keep calm and do not rush, or you will miss the passage’s main point and won’t be able to pick your best answer.

Step 2: Choose Your Answer

After identifying the main topic, pay attention to details and read the sentences with blanks carefully because missing even one detail could affect your score. If the blank sentence isn’t clear enough to make your decision, test-takers should also focus on the sentences before and after each blank to better understand the answer. The correct word will fit with the passage and the sentence containing it. 

Grammar is another crucial factor in making your decision. The format, the tense, and the structure of the blank sentence can be the hints for your answer. For instance, past-tense sentences will go with a past-tense word. This method sometimes helps test-takers eliminate wrong answers from the start due to incorrect grammar.

Step 3: Check Again

Always recheck before you submit your answer. When you finish all the blanks, spend some time checking them again. It’s great if you are confident about your answer, but rechecking it won’t hurt anyone. You never know what you might miss.

For blanks that you are still unsure of, make a guess. If you answer incorrectly, this task won’t lower your score, so we suggest making it a “hit or miss”.

PTE Core Reading And Writing Fill In The Blanks Tips

Improve Your Vocabulary

The PTE Core Reading And Writing Fill-In-The-Blanks task covers various topics, including basic knowledge, literature, and daily science. Beginner test-takers who lack skills might feel confused by all these words and terms.

However, there’s always room for improvement. It’s never too late to start learning. You can enhance your vocabulary today by reading articles, listening to podcasts, or watching movies. Instead of doing them mindlessly, practice remembering the new words this time. Test-takers can search for synonyms and antonyms of the new words to boost it even more.

 You will be surprised at how fast your vocabulary grows. 

Manage Your Time

Try to answer each question in 2 minutes or less. The task’s passage is considerably short, so this strategy is possible. PTE Magic recommends that test-takers follow the first step mentioned above by quickly reviewing the passage.

Accordingly, skimming helps you identify the words that should fill in the blanks. Ask yourself if a noun, verb, or adjective is more suitable and whether the word tense is correct for the sentence.

Practice Is Key

Practice is considered to be one of the best methods for getting good PTE Core scores. Doing mock tests helps test-takers gain more confidence as they interact with the test format and templates.

The PTE Magic platform has various free mock tests for you to try. Our tests are designed to be similar to the actual PTE Core test, with similar test structures and timing, to give you the closest testing experience.

Moreover, we also use an AI scoring system to evaluate your performance. After each test, you can recognize your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to plan your learning strategy more effectively.

Final Thoughts

Remember to skim, choose your answers carefully, and recheck your answers before submitting. Before that, growing your vocabulary and practising regularly are essential steps. Check out our PTE Magic platform for free mock tests to build confidence and enhance your PTE Core scores!

Last updated on 20/09/2024

I am a firm believer that the best teachers educate with their hearts not just their minds.

Moni | PTE MAGIC International Founder

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