FREE PTE Retell Lecture Practice Questions

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This blog by PTE Magic provides detailed PTE Retell Lecture practice examples, an overview of the task, and its common mistakes.

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Key Takeaways

  • The PTE Retell Lecture task will play an audio clip, sometimes with an additional image attached
  • Ensure you finish your answer before the progress bar ends.
  • A lack of understanding of the audio will make test-takers encounter avoidable errors.
  • The Retell Lecture task is an important section in the PTE test that evaluates candidates’ listening and speaking skills.
  • Candidates can expect to encounter two to three Retell Lecture questions in the PTE test. 


Overview And Instruction

The Retell Lecture task in the PTE exam will play an audio clip, sometimes with an additional image attached. Test-takers will have 10 seconds to prepare and 40 seconds to retell the lecture. A short tone will announce when you can speak, so start speaking immediately when you hear it. 

There is no second chance to answer this task, so use your time wisely. You can take notes on the provided whiteboard. Ensure you finish your answer before the progress bar ends. The status will change from “Recording” to “Completed” when the time runs out.

FREE PTE Retell Lecture Practice Questions

You will hear an Interview/Lecture. After listening to it, in 10 seconds, please speak into the microphone and retell what you have just heard from the lecture in your own words. You will have 40 seconds to give your response.

Question #1:

Sample answer:

The speaker, Steven Pinker, a Harvard professor, discusses the cognitive revolution that transformed the study of the mind. Initially, psychology was dominated by behaviorism, which rejected mental contents. However, in the 1950s, researchers at Harvard reconsidered this approach, drawing parallels between computers and human cognition. They argued that if computers could have internal states like memory and goal-oriented processing, then humans could also be studied scientifically in a similar way. This led to the emergence of cognitive science, incorporating fields such as experimental psychology, linguistics, computer science, artificial intelligence, and neuroscience.


Question #2:

Sample answer:

The speaker discusses the devastating impact of high-cost seeds on Indian farmers, leading to massive debt and widespread suicides. Due to seed monopolization by corporations like Monsanto, many farmers struggle financially. In response, community seed banks have been established across India to preserve, multiply, and distribute seeds, reducing farmers’ dependency on expensive commercial seeds. These banks help address both globalization-driven economic challenges and climate change issues such as floods, droughts, and cyclones. By providing access to seeds, farmers can regain control, grow food crops, and break free from debt.


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Question #3:

Sample answer:

The speaker discusses the concept of biological forgetting, where people forget experiences, feelings, and thoughts daily. Remembering is challenging, and individuals constantly try to overcome memory loss. Human memory is not fixed but can be reconstructed and influenced by past experiences. Throughout history, humans have sought ways to enhance their memory, demonstrating a continuous effort to improve cognitive retention.


Question #4:

Sample answer:

The speaker discusses two fundamental questions in animal behavior: proximate and ultimate. Proximate questions focus on the mechanisms behind behavior, such as its development and causes. Ultimate questions examine the evolutionary aspects, including how behavior evolved and its adaptive significance. These ideas form Tinbergen’s Four Questions, a key framework in the study of animal behavior. Nico Tinbergen, a pioneer in this field, emphasized that understanding these questions is crucial not only for behavior but for biology as a whole. The way animal behavior is studied depends on the type of question being asked.


Question #5:

Sample answer:

The speaker discusses the work of computer scientist Shwetak Patel and his team in developing smart sensing systems. Initially focused on energy and water monitoring, they created sensors that track electronic interference and water pressure changes. Their research later expanded to personal health monitoring, utilizing smartphone sensors to detect health conditions. For example, an app can use a phone’s microphone to analyze coughing patterns, while the camera can assess hemoglobin levels and detect jaundice in infants. The researchers believe that the built-in sensors in smartphones have vast potential for improving health monitoring and early diagnosis.


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Most 5 Common PTE Retell Lecture Mistakes

pte retell lecture practice

The PTE Retell Lecture is a more challenging task in the test. A lack of understanding of the audio will make test-takers encounter avoidable errors. Regular practice is the key to improvement; however, you need to acknowledge the issues before practising to be aware of the risks and boost your chances of success more effectively.

Many face similar mistakes in the PTE Retell Lecture task. Here are the most common mistakes that you must avoid to keep your score steady:

  • Going Over the Time Limit: Although you have 40 seconds to answer, finishing in around 38 seconds is best. If you speak too long, you might encounter the risk of being cut off mid-sentence when time runs out. This will affect your score negatively, so wrapping up your answer neatly a few seconds earlier will help.
  • Simply Repeating the Lecture: This task isn’t about repeating the whole lecture word for word. You must summarise the key points and use your words. Focus on the main ideas of the audio and retell them based on your understanding.
  • Mention Unrelated Information: Closely follow the audio’s content. Don’t mention unrelated information that may confuse the scoring system. Understanding and focusing on the main points are important to achieve higher scores, therefore choose what you speak wisely.
  • Lacking Organization: An unclear response will make your answers unorganised and illogical. Use a structured framework with an introduction, main points, and a conclusion that is easy to follow. This method also helps test-takers avoid missing key details while speaking.
  • Wrong Vocabulary and Pronunciation: Many receive low scores due to incorrect word choices and mispronounced terms. Using the wrong vocabulary might lead to changes in meaning, while poor pronunciation will affect the clarity criterion. Therefore, pay attention to your speech to give a clear and concise answer.


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Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Improve My Retell Lecture In PTE?

Stumbling over words can badly impact your score in the Retell Lecture section. Having a wide vocabulary is not enough, you must improve your fluency and clarity as well. 

Additionally, avoid using complex terms and focus on key phrases to maintain a smooth flow. Don’t stress about grammar or accent because effective communication matters more. 

What Is The Format Of Retell Lecture In PTE?

Once the lecture audio finishes, test-takers have 10 seconds to prepare before the microphone opens. You must summarise the lecture content using your words in the next 40 seconds. Focus on the main points and avoid repeating the exact terms and phrases used in the audio.

How Long Is Retell Lecture PTE?

You’ll listen to a short lecture lasting from 60 to 90 seconds. Afterward, the test gives you 40 seconds to provide a spoken summary. 

Is Retell Lecture Important In PTE?

The Retell Lecture task is an important section in the PTE test that evaluates candidates’ listening and speaking skills. This task requires more than just understanding but also the ability to identify and summarise key points clearly.

How Many Questions Are There In Retell Lecture PTE?

Candidates can expect to encounter two to three Retell Lecture questions in the PTE test. 


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Scoring high in this task is difficult, but we hope these Retell Lecture PTE practice examples can help you achieve better scores. 

If you’re still struggling with this task, PTE Magic experts can sharpen your skills. Reach out to us today for more insights and boost your results further!

Last updated on 27/02/2025

I am a firm believer that the best teachers educate with their hearts not just their minds.

Moni | PTE MAGIC International Founder

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