Is PTE Speaking Scoring On Practice Platforms Stricter?

Is PTE speaking scoring on practice platforms stricter than the official Pearson system?

This post by PTE Magic will answer your concerns.

We also explain how the system works on both platforms and provide technical tips so you can better prepare for your test. Stay tuned!

Key Takeaways

  • The PTE speaking section tests your speaking skills based on content, oral fluency, and pronunciation.
  • This blog shows the scoring system of the official Pearson PTE website compared to the self-study PTE Magic practice platform.
  • Test-takers may feel that the PTE Speaking scoring on the PTE Magic platform is stricter than the official scoring system. Below, we will explain why.


How Does Pearson Score the PTE Speaking Section?

Is PTE Speaking Scoring On Practice Platforms Stricter

The PTE Academic’s Speaking section includes five types of questions and lasts 54–67 minutes. Below, we will explore how Pearson scores each part and what scoring system they apply.

The PTE speaking section tests your speaking skills based on content, oral fluency, and pronunciation. This scoring system applies to the Read Aloud, Repeat Sentence, Describe Image, and Re-tell Lecture tasks.

  • Content: The accuracy of your content decides your score. You must include everything from the reading text without adding or removing any words. You will receive points for each correct word you include, while wrong or missing words will lower your scores.
  • Oral fluency: How natural your speech sounds also counts. Focus on your tone, phrasing, and stress patterns. Any long pauses, hesitations, or even false starts will badly affect your scores. A steady pace, which is not too fast or too slow, will bring test-takers higher scores.
  • Pronunciation: Pay attention to how you pronounce the words. The clearer you sound, the higher your scores. Native-like speech with good pronunciation of vowels and consonants will positively affect your score. Pearson accepts foreign accents as long as native speakers understand your words.

For the PTE Academic Answer Short Question task, Pearson evaluates candidates’ understanding and ability to answer the short question correctly. Accuracy in this task is the primary factor in determining your score. 

If you can answer the question correctly, you will receive points. An incorrect or no answer will lead to zero points. Remember, a short answer has the same points as a long answer if both are correct; therefore, answer briefly to save time and enhance your performance.

Pearson Scoring System vs PTE Magic Scoring System

This section shows the PTE scoring system of the official Pearson website compared to the self-study PTE Magic practice platform. We will identify the tools and techniques that both of them use.

Pearson’s Scoring System

PTE tests apply a completely computer-based scoring system, combining AI technology. This means the test doesn’t involve any human examiners. Instead of attending separate sessions, you only need to participate in a two-hour test to get your result. Moreover, an AI-scoring system means faster test results, as you can receive your scores in five business days instead of several months.

Specifically, Pearson’s machine-scoring system applies Ordinate technology to score test-takers’ speaking sections. This technology can evaluate your speaking pace, tone, and intonation. Your word use and pronunciation are also included in Pearson’s automated scoring algorithms

Moreover, your score is affected by how well you can identify the task, provide supporting details, and make your content easy to read. Pearson’s AI scoring system can also test the relevance of your content.

PTE Magic’s Scoring System

PTE Magic is a self-study platform using E-learning systems. Our mock tests are also AI-powered so students can practice everywhere as long as they have their phones or laptops with them. Learners will receive their mock test results immediately to check their performance.

PTE Magic’s AI platform also assists teachers in creating study plans for students. According to our research, PTE Magic’s advanced technology combined with professional trainers has increased students’ PTE pass rates to more than 75%.

So, what techniques are behind our scoring system? PTE Magic has developed two AI tools: speech-to-text and AI-scored writing features. Our AI speech-to-text or voice recognition system can evaluate students’ speeches and update the results after 5 seconds. The same goes for AI-scored writing technology, which can check grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other writing errors.

Is PTE Speaking Scoring Stricter on Practice Platforms?

You can consider so. Test-takers can feel that the PTE Speaking scoring on the PTE Magic platform is stricter than the official scoring system. Here’s why:

  • Different AI models: PTE Magic uses different AI models and algorithms than Pearson. Specifically, PTE Magic develops voice recognition technology from MAGIC Edutech, while Pearson applies the Ordinate speech-to-text system to evaluate test-takers’ speeches. The scoring from these models may not have the same grading level, which may have a different impression on candidates.
  • Different databases: According to Pearson, they use a huge amount of data taken from former test-takers to “feed” their algorithms. In 2020, their AI-scoring system took 678,000 responses from candidates to optimise itself. In other words, Pearson’s system will be more accurate and fairer after each examination session. This explains why the AI models and algorithms differ from those of the PTE Magic system, which seems stricter in scoring because our database is different.
  • Different experiences: Many have tried the mock tests before they attend the official PTE exam. This is also a considerable factor due to your experience before each test. With mock tests, you are still in the study process and have more to learn, while your actual PTE result may be higher because you have been through the process. This could lead to a sense of stricter scoring on the practice platforms.

Technical Tips for Higher PTE Speaking Scores

Knowing that the Pearson PTE tests apply an automated system means we can approach this matter more suitably. Based on our research from previous test-takers and our experts, below are the best tips that are beneficial for your scoring:

  • Check your microphone’s function before the test starts.
  • Keep your speech simple while doing the speaking sections. This makes the scoring algorithms access your speech more easily.
  • Don’t give long pauses. Try to finish the sentence in one try because pauses longer than 3 seconds will make the system understand that you have finished your answer, which leads to an automatic stop.
  • Practise with headphones. If possible, use good headphones with a microphone. A good quality headphone and microphone help the system to better capture your pronunciation.

The Bottom Line

Is PTE speaking scoring on practice platforms stricter than the official Pearson system? Based on our thorough research, we can say yes. Different AI models, databases, and experiences may lead to a different impression while taking the test. However, with proper training and frequent practise, AI-scoring systems will no longer be your obstacle. Good luck!

Last updated on 13/08/2024

I am a firm believer that the best teachers educate with their hearts not just their minds.

Moni | PTE MAGIC International Founder

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