PTE Core Answer Short Question Practice Tips & Respond Tricks

pte core answer short question

This blog by PTE Magic includes everything you need about the PTE Core Answer Short Question task: its format, scoring system, samples, and tips. 

Scroll down to see how you can improve your PTE Core score!

Key Takeaways

  • PTE Core Answer Short Question evaluates test-takers’ English listening and speaking skills.
  • Your Answer Short Question score is based on your understanding level of the question provided and the accuracy of your answer.
  • You should start answering immediately when you hear the question and see the “Recording” status. Discover more tips below.


PTE Core Answer Short Question Format

pte core answer short question

In the PTE Core Answer Short Question task, test-takers will first listen to a question that lasts from 3 to 9 seconds. Next, they must answer the question with one or a few words in 10 seconds. This task evaluates your English listening and speaking skills.

The audio will play automatically, and an image may also appear. Your microphone opens once the audio stops playing. This is when the status box shows “Recording”, and you must speak immediately. The PTE Core Answer Short Question task has no short tone, so pay attention.

Test-takers must finish their speech before the progress bar ends. When this happens, the status box will change to “Completed”. Remember, you only have one chance to record your answer and cannot replay the audio.

How Is It Scored?

Your PTE Core Answer Short Question score is based on your understanding level of the question provided and the accuracy of your answer. In this task, the scoring system is simple. You either get a correct answer or an incorrect answer. Your scores also depend on your word choice, so choose your words carefully.

If the test doesn’t record your response or if you answer wrong, you won’t receive any scores for that question. The PTE Core Answer Short Question task evaluates your listening, speaking, and vocabulary. Therefore, your scores in these sections will also be affected. 

On another note, this task does not test your writing skills, whereas it evaluates your reading skills to read the guide.

PTE Core Answer Short Question Practice Samples

Now that you’ve got a hold of the task format, it’s time to see some real PTE Core Answer Short Question samples. Based on our experience, the test might ask the types of questions. You can see the context of the questions and how to answer them correctly:

Sample 1: What do we call someone who buys products from a shop?

Answer: Customer

Sample 2: What is the main gas found in the air we breathe?

Answer: Oxygen

Sample 3: What do we call a book that tells a story through pictures and dialogues?

Answer: Comic

Sample 4: Which item is used to measure temperature?

Answer: Thermometer

Sample 5: What is the name of the longest river in the world?

Answer: Nile

Sample 6: What do we call the natural satellite that orbits the Earth?

Answer: Moon

Sample 7: What is the term for a word that has the opposite meaning of another word?

Answer: Antonym

Sample 8: Which organ in the human body pumps blood?

Answer: Heart

Sample 9: What is the largest mammal in the world?

Answer: Blue whale 

Sample 10: What is the capital city of France?

Answer: Paris

PTE Core Answer Short Question Tips

Don’t Make Long Pauses

Don’t pause long when answering your question. You should start answering immediately when you hear the question and see the “Recording” status. Pausing longer than three seconds means you will miss your chance to answer, as the status will automatically change to “Completed”. It’s best not to have any long pauses until you finish.

When you see the “Completed” status, click “Next” to move to the next question. This pausing tip applies to other PTE Core tasks such as Read Aloud, Describe Image, and Repeat Sentence.

Remove Long Answer

The name of this task says it all. Don’t answer long in PTE Core Answer Short Question. For short questions, you give short answers – simple as that. 

This does not mean you cannot give long answers, but you won’t get any extra scores for answering long. For example, both answers would score the same for this question: “What is the capital of France?”:

  • Paris
  • The capital of France is Paris

They are both correct responses, the only difference is their length. Giving a short, on-point answer saves time and helps you perform the task effectively.

Improve On Time Management

Good time management is crucial in the PTE Core Answer Short Question. You can improve this by practising to answer quickly to get used to the test’s pace.

First, pay attention to the question. Test-takers should answer within three seconds to avoid delays and unexpected outcomes. Remember, do not overthink and give short answers accordingly. Long answers waste time and are bad for time management.

You can practise with a timer to get a feel of the actual test experience. Moreover, practising these methods helps test-takers familiarise themselves with the question types, thus improving their reactions and confidence. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Short Are The Questions In The PTE Core Answer Short Question Section?

In this task, short questions contain around 10 words. Accordingly, your answer should be around one or two words long. 

What Are The Common Topics Covered In This Task?

There are no guaranteed topics. However, basic knowledge and daily activities are common topics that test-takers should consider in this task. 

How to Get Full Scores In PTE Core Answer Short Question?

Each correct answer in the PTE Core Answer Short Question task will boost your speaking and listening scores. The scores vary depending on how accurate your answers are. For one correct answer, you will get a respective point.

Wrap Up

Understanding the PTE Core Answer Short Question’s format and scoring system while practising with samples and tips is the key to mastering this task. Keep up the good work, and your effort will pay off. Good luck!

Last updated on 20/09/2024

I am a firm believer that the best teachers educate with their hearts not just their minds.

Moni | PTE MAGIC International Founder

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