PTE Core Repeat Sentence: Everything You Need to Know

pte core repeat sentence

Test-takers must listen and repeat the sentence correctly while taking the PTE Core Repeat Sentence test. But what is the best way to perform? 

This blog reveals the task’s format, structure, and scoring system for better PTE Core preparation. We also provide helpful tips and commonly asked questions to assist you with this section. 

Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • In PTE Core Repeat Sentence, test-takers must listen to a sentence recording and then repeat what they heard.
  • Your score is based on content, oral fluency, and pronunciation.
  • PTE Magic has provided two sets of tips and tricks for practising listening and speaking in this blog.


PTE Core Repeat Sentence Format

pte core repeat sentence

In the first section, we introduce the basic aspects of the PTE Core Repeat Sentence, including its structure, the assessed skills, and how you will be scored.


In the PTE Core Repeat Sentence, test-takers must listen to a sentence recording and then repeat what they heard. 

You will hear short sentences, typically ranging from 3 to 9 seconds. After listening, Pearson gives you 40 seconds to repeat it. When the audio finishes, the microphone will open automatically. You will see the recording status box switch to “Recording”, the sign to begin your speech. 

However, unlike other tasks, the PTE Core Repeat Sentence has no short tone to signal the start. Therefore, you must immediately start speaking and should finish before the progress bar ends. When you’re done, the status box will change from “Recording” to “Completed”.

Remember, you can only listen and record your audio once. As a result, aiming for a clear and accurate response in this task will bring you good scores.

Skills Assessed

This section of the PTE Core speaking test evaluates your listening and speaking skills. The audio used in the test mirrors real-life communication to test your understanding and repeatability. 

Listening is the key skill in this task. Test-takers need to hear and understand the sentence’s structure and meaning quickly. Along with listening, the test focuses on your memorising skills to recall a sentence you’ve listened to only once.

Last, the Repeat Sentence task assesses how to repeat the given audio with your speaking skills. In other words, it tests your pronunciation, oral fluency, and how well you can mimic the original sentence. 


Your PTE Core Repeat Sentence score is based on content, oral fluency, and pronunciation.

  • Content: Pearson determines your score in content by counting the number of correct words in your answer. You will get lower scores if you replace, add or skip the words. 
  • Oral fluency: Your score is based on the nature of your pace, phrasing, and stressing. Test-takers should speak steadily in this section to achieve high scores. In contrast, hesitations and/or repetitions will bring you bad news.
  • Pronunciation: This factor is scored based on how easily English native speakers can understand your speech. Your speech will be understandable if you pronounce the vowels and consonants clearly while stressing the words correctly.

PTE Core Repeat Sentence Tips

For your PTE Core Repeat Sentence practice, PTE Magic has provided two sets of tips and tricks for practising listening and speaking.

Tips for Listening

  • Focus: When they play the audio, test-takers must focus on the sentence. While listening, they should try to picture the words to grasp their meanings.
  • Take note: You can note what you hear, but remember you don’t have much time. PTE Magic suggests not writing down the whole sentence as it will consume time.
  • Keep calm: Being nervous can decrease your performance, so stay calm and focus on what you must do.
  • Enlarge your vocabulary: The wider your vocabulary, the better you hear and understand the sentence. A vast vocabulary helps you remember the sentences effectively.

Tips for Speaking

  • Maintain your pace: You should speak at an average speed. As mentioned above, Pearson gives you 40 seconds to repeat. No need to rush because it will increase the risk of making mistakes. On the other hand, low-speed speech will affect your timing.
  • Keep speaking: Since the microphone opens after the audio ends, you must start talking immediately. Pauses will damage your score, and pausing longer than three seconds will stop your recording.
  • Guess to finish: Don’t leave any sentences unanswered. Make your guess when encountering any unclear words to get a partial score. 
  • Practice frequently: Practice makes perfect. The more you practice, the better you train your memory and performance. Aside from doing PTE mock tests, you can listen to English news and movies to improve your skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this part, PTE Magic collected common queries from PTE Core test-takers. Let’s see if any of them can answer your concerns.

Does Pronunciation Affect My PTE Core Speaking Score?

Definitely. Pronunciation is an aspect determining your score in the PTE Core Speaking test. Correct pronunciations will get you a higher PTE Core speaking score, while wrong pronunciations decrease it.

How to Memorise Better in This Task?

For better memorisation, you should practice imagining and visualising. You can connect the sentences with pictures or scenarios to help enhance your memory. Improving your vocabulary is another method to help strengthen your recall ability.

What are Some Good Resources for PTE Core Repeat Sentence Practice?

PTE Magic is among the best resources for your PTE Core Repeat Sentence Practice. We offer a practical self-study platform to help test-takers prepare for their PTE Core. Our various AI mock tests, video courses, tips, templates, and real-time AI scoring guarantee to bring your PTE score to another level.

The Bottom Line

The best way to perform your PTE Core Repeat Sentence test is to focus on your pronunciation and vocabulary while managing your time effectively. With a lot of practice, test-takers can improve their performance, thus achieving high scores successfully.

Last updated on 28/06/2024

I am a firm believer that the best teachers educate with their hearts not just their minds.

Moni | PTE MAGIC International Founder

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