PTE Core Summarize Written Text Templates & Tips

pte core summarize written text

This blog introduces the PTE Core Summarize Written Text format, scoring system, templates, and tips for test-takers who want to succeed in this task.

Keep reading to learn more about this tricky part of the PTE Core Writing test section!

Key Takeaways

  • The PTE Core Summarize Written Text or SWT task requires test-takers to read a text and write a summary of it in 25 to 50 words. 
  • Your score is based on content, form, vocabulary, and grammar.
  • PTE Magic offers templates suitable for different PTE Core goals. See below for more details.


PTE Core Summarize Written Text Format

pte core summarize written text

The PTE Core Summarize Written Text task requires test-takers to read a text and gather important points to write a summary in 25 to 50 words. 

Pearson will give you a 200-word long text. Your mission is to capture the text’s main points in a short summary. The task evaluates test-takers’ reading and writing skills and their abilities to understand and summarise information. 

You have 10 minutes to finish the task, so use your time wisely to answer correctly and briefly. The key points are to highlight the main ideas and summarise them within the required length. 

Test-takers will see a word counter on the screen to measure their writing length effectively. You can also use the cut, copy, and paste functions in the PTE Core Summarize Written Text task.

How is this task scored?

Your score in the Summarize Written Text task is based on content, form, vocabulary, and grammar.

  • Content: Your summary should contain the main points from the given text. Your score will be higher if you cover the key ideas without changing the original meaning. Test-takers will get zero points if they misrepresent the context.
  • Form: If your summary is within the correct length (25-50 words), you will receive a score for this. In contrast, too long or short summaries won’t earn any points.
  • Vocabulary: Test-takers should maintain a natural and suitable word use in their summaries. More importantly, people who use synonyms to diversify their writing will get higher PTE Core scores.
  • Grammar: A well-structured sentence with main and secondary clauses will strengthen your grammar score. On the other hand, broken sentences with missing subjects or wrong word order will negatively affect your scores.

PTE Core Summarize Written Text Template

Using a template is a suitable studying method for this summarize written text task because it helps learners understand the test format and what they should do in the task. PTE Magic offers these templates ideal for different PTE Core goals.

For a 40-60 PTE Core Score Target

Students who aim for a score between 40 and 60 should set a suitable goal to improve their performance. If finding the main points is difficult, you can repeat the points mentioned in the text. Here is an example:

“The writer discusses [the main point of Paragraph 1]. Next, they talk about [the main point of Paragraph 2]. After that, they look at [the main point of Paragraph 3]. Then, the writer mentions [the main point of Paragraph 4]. Finally, the main theme of these paragraphs is [main theme], which shows the importance of the [key points].”

For a 70-90 PTE Core Score Target

If you aim for a PTE Core score in this range, follow the template below. Practising frequently helps test-takers identify the key ideas more efficiently, which is a closer step to achieving your target score. Strong grammar and vocabulary are also crucial for this level. Test-takers must focus on clear and logical writing as well. For example:

“The [text/source] addresses the [main theme] which highlights the importance of [key points]. It focuses on [key points 1], [key points 2], and [key points 3]. Additionally, it mentions aspects relating to [key point 4] and [key point 5]. However, the most crucial factor throughout the overall context is [key point 6].”

PTE Core Summarize Written Text Practice Tips

Skim Before You Write

Skimming the given text gives you a basic understanding of its context. Spend the first or two minutes reading through it to spot essential keywords throughout the paragraphs. Accordingly, test-takers can form an overall awareness of the topic.

For example, if you see words such as “climate change”, “global warming”, “greenhouse gases”, and “renewable energy” while skimming, the topic is likely related to the global environment.

Note the keywords

Next, spend another two minutes noting essential words. Remember, test-takers can use synonyms to grasp the sentence in short terms and phrases to summarise the text. 

For example, “The damage caused by deforestation and biodiversity loss is a major concern for environmental conservationists.” The keywords would include “deforestation”, “biodiversity loss”, and “concern”. 

Form keywords to sentences

In this step, test-takers should spend four minutes identifying the context’s main points and summarising them following the original style. Remember, adding your personal opinions in the summary would decrease your scores.

Additionally, you should ignore small details in the given text. Focus on the key ideas only, as summaries over 50 words are unnecessary.

To continue with the above example, you can summarise this sentence into phrases such as “deforestation’s impact on habitats,” “loss of biodiversity due to deforestation,” “environmentalists concerned about deforestation,” etc.

Finalise your summary

Finally, you should use the last two minutes to check your writing. Edit any grammar mistakes or disorganized sentences and add suitable punctuation before submitting your answer. Long sentences, misused vocabulary, and wrong grammar will lower your PTE Core score. 

Attention to detail has always been a good mindset, and it will save your performance in the test for a better PTE Core goal. 

The Bottom Line

Following PTE Magic guidelines will help you achieve your desired PTE Core score. Don’t forget to check out our other tips and tricks for the PTE Core and PTE Academic tests!

Last updated on 20/09/2024

I am a firm believer that the best teachers educate with their hearts not just their minds.

Moni | PTE MAGIC International Founder

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