PTE Rescore: Policies, Success Rate and Risks

PTE Rescore: Policies, Success Rate and Risks

You must be very disappointed with a PTE score not as expected.

We appreciate your hard work during your PTE exam preparation. It is understandable to wonder whether your results accurately reflect your performance and efforts.

You can go for a PTE rescore if you disagree with the score given. But before requesting, there are some important factors you need to know first.

And in this guide, PTE Magic will share them with you.

Let’s take a look.

Key Takeaways

  • Pearson PTE offers test takers a procedure called “PTE rescore” to appeal their scores.
  • The deadline for requesting a rescore is within 14 calendar days after getting your PTE Score Report.
  • Find out the specific types of questions that are eligible for rescoring below.


  • See why this unique PTE training program is so loved by our students!

What is a PTE re-score and how do you know if you’re qualified for one?

While PTE’s AI-based scoring method ensures a fair, accurate, and consistent score calculation, only some accept the final PTE results.

Therefore, Pearson PTE offers test takers a procedure called “PTE rescore” to appeal their scores.

The PTE rescore process involves conducting a re-evaluation of your PTE score. An updated set of PTE results may be given if any.

However, this may happen if you assert there was a technical malfunction with the testing equipment or the scoring system. You believe your final results were unfair to your performance during the test.

Anyone taking the PTE exam is eligible for PTE rescoring. Before requesting, you should take the following into consideration:

  • As sophisticated AI systems conduct score calculations to ensure reliability, there will be very little chance of score modification after further review.
  • The score may go up or down if it changes. An updated score will replace your old one on a new PTE Score Report.
  • You will get a full refund for the rescore fee if your scores change. If not, you lose the fee.
  • Rescoring is only available once for each test registration and for the latest PTE results.
  • You cannot ask for a rescore if you have already scheduled another exam.
  • Pearson only processes the PTE rescore via Phone. You need to call the Customer Service team to get information about the rescore fee and instructions.

Visit here for more information about full rescoring policies and processes.

What’s the deadline for requesting a rescore?

pte rescore

Within 14 calendar days after getting your PTE Score Report.

Specifically, it is the day you receive the email from Pearson PTE notifying you that your PTE score is ready.

Note that you can only apply for rescoring for your most current PTE result.

For example, if you took two PTE exams in a single week, you can only request a rescore for the second exam and not the first.

What’s the success rate of a PTE exam rescore request?

There are no specific statistics for PTE rescore success rates. But the chance of your score increasing is typically very low.

Pearson PTE does not recommend asking for PTE rescores. There are not many cases of a considerable increase in scores after re-evaluation.

Furthermore, technical problems, such as defective microphones, are uncommon. Human mistakes, such as breath noises, are more prevalent and are not seen as a technical issue.

Therefore, your score is more likely to remain unchanged.

What types of questions would be eligible for rescoring?

Pearson only rescores spoken responses and open-ended written responses.

The other PTE question types are evaluated using an automated algorithm, so their scores are error-free and cannot be modified under any circumstances.

Here are the question types eligible for PTE rescores:

  • PTE Speaking section: Read Aloud, Repeat Sentences, Re-tell Lecture, Describe Images, Answer Short Questions
  • PTE Writing section: Summarize Written Text, Write Essay
  • PTE Listening section: Summarize Spoken Text

What are the risks involved?

Firstly, you also risk receiving a lower score after the PTE rescoring process.

While your PTE score may increase, it is possible that there may be new mistakes found during a re-evaluation leading to losing points.

A new lower score may reduce your chances of using the old PTE result for specific purposes.

For example, if you are pursuing a nursing career in Australia, you need to use PTE scores for your medical study or work registration. A lower PTE score may exclude you from a visa application or academic admission.

Secondly, you can not get your rescore fee back if your score stays the same.

Moreover, the rescore fee is costly. You may have to pay over $100 to have your PTE score reevaluated.

Spending a lot of money on PTE rescores may not be as worth it as retaking the test.


PTE rescore is not a good idea unless you are confident that the error is from the testing system.

Go for the second attempt if you didn’t reach your score goal the last time you tried. Remember to create a solid re-test preparation strategy to achieve better results.

Be full of new energy for the next PTE test! We are always here to support you. Contact us now!

Last updated on 09/05/2024

I am a firm believer that the best teachers educate with their hearts not just their minds.

Moni | PTE MAGIC International Founder

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