How to Remember Better & Maintain Fluency For PTE Repeat Sentence

How to Remember Better & Maintain Fluency for PTE Speaking

Many people find it hard to listen, remember, and repeat a long speech or recording, that contains a large of information. 

Especially in the PTE Repeat Sentence task.

You always forget the content right after you listen or you get into trouble with repeating what you have heard? There are proven strategies that can empower learners to overcome these obstacles and progress towards linguistic proficiency. 

In this comprehensive guide by PTE Magic, we will explore effective techniques for remembering sentences and sustaining fluency, as well as providing invaluable insights for language enthusiasts at every stage of their journey.

Let’s take a look.

Key Takeaways

  • It’s difficult to listen, remember, and then repeat a considerable amount of information at a time.
  • With consistent practice and dedication, you can easily navigate PTE tests.
  • Below, we explore seven effective techniques for remembering sentences and maintaining fluency.


7 tips to listen, remember, and repeat what you hear better for the PTE Repeat Sentence task

How to Remember Better & Maintain Fluency for PTE Speaking

Tip #1: Take note

Taking notes is the most important step to listen and remember things. Taking notes while listening serves as both an active engagement strategy and a memory aid. It is like a roadmap to guide you through the information presented.

While listening, you should jot down key points, keywords, or phrases that encapsulate the meaning of the recording. In this way, you can capture what you hear briefly and concisely.

However, the biggest challenge of this tip is how to take notes as fast as the speaker’s pace. You can create your own rules such as using symbols, writing only the first letter of the word, and whatever you want, as long as you can understand it thoroughly. 

By taking notes, you can catch up with what you hear, and then easily repeat or recount it.

Tip #2: Active listen

Active listening is the action in which you listen consciously and make an effort to understand what people say, and what message they want to transfer,…

It is a dynamic process that demands your full attention and engagement. Resist the temptation to passively absorb the audio material; instead, you need to focus on discerning the main ideas, supporting details, and any figurative sense conveyed through tone or emphasis. 

By actively listening, you can sharpen your comprehension skills and lay the foundation for accurate repetition.

Tip #3: Keep focus

When listening, you almost can not do anything if you lose attraction. Maintaining focus is paramount during listening tasks. You should try to overlook any distractions and concentrate on the speaker only to understand what he says.

At first, you can find a quiet space free from interruptions, silence electronic devices, and cultivate a mindset of attentiveness. By immersing yourself fully in the listening material, you enhance your ability to retain information and reproduce it accurately.

However, not all time you can listen in perfect condition without distraction. Therefore, it is better if you train yourself to keep focus on any circumstance, even when it is noisy. Let’s try to make yourself familiar with listening with 100% focus to get the meaning.

Tip #4: Practice

Practice makes perfect. This phase is true all the time. To listen, get the meaning, and repeat what you hear, nothing is better than practicing hard. 

You should dedicate regular time to engaging with various types of audio materials, ranging from podcasts and news broadcasts to academic lectures. In addition, don’t forget to challenge yourself with diverse accents, speaking speeds, and subject matters to broaden your listening comprehension abilities.

Through repeated exposure and practice, you reinforce your memory retention and refine your ability to repeat what you have heard with precision. 

Tip #5: Understand the context

Sometimes, context is a key to grasp the meaning of the speech. It can make it easier to understand what you’ve heard and recall it later to repeat.

Pay close attention to contextual clues, such as the speaker’s tone, intonation, and any accompanying visual aids. Context provides invaluable insights into the meaning and significance of the audio material.

By deciphering the context, you equip yourself with the necessary tools to accurately repeat what you’ve listened to.

Tip #6: Visualization and mnemonics

Visualization techniques can enhance memory retention by creating vivid mental images associated with the audio material. Many researches prove that our brains tend to remember information in images better than other types, therefore, try to visualize what you hear.

As you listen, endeavor to visualize the content in your mind, constructing mental representations that mirror the information conveyed. Additionally, it is better if you leverage mnemonic devices, such as acronyms or memorable phrases, to encode the information in a more accessible format.

By engaging your imagination, you will deepen your connection to the material and bolster your ability to recall and repeat it accurately.

Tip #7: Chunking

Chunking is a technique that breaks down complex information into smaller, more manageable units to remember more easily.

Rather than attempting to process the entire audio material in one go, you can focus on dissecting it into discrete segments. For example, instead of listening to a long speech and then summarizing it, you can remember every single idea of the speech, write it down, and recount it.

By chunking the material, you streamline the learning process and facilitate memory retention, making it easier to remember and repeat what you’ve heard.


In conclusion, it is not easy to listen, remember, then repeat a huge amount of information at a time. However, you absolutely can do it by what we shared above. 

By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide – from taking notes and active listening to understanding the context and utilizing visualization techniques – you equip yourself with the tools necessary to excel in listening. 

Through consistent practice and dedication, you can enhance your listening skills, boost your confidence, and navigate the challenges of language proficiency tests with proficiency and ease.

Last updated on 11/10/2024

I am a firm believer that the best teachers educate with their hearts not just their minds.

Moni | PTE MAGIC International Founder

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