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PTE Test Memory

Congratulations to Dhana from Thailand on scoring 66 in this PTE exam! In this article,...

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How I got PTE 82 – Tips Sharing

Sendie, one of our MAGIC students, was able to achieve PTE overall 82 with Listening...

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How I achieved PTE 66+ in one go?

Katrina, one of our MAGIC students, was able to achieve PTE overall 71 with Listening...

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PTE Describe Image: Pictures that don’t contain keywords – Part III

After receiving the positive feedback from our MAGIC students, we would like to share more...

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How I got 79+ in the first attempt

Sothea, one of our MAGIC students, was able to achieve PTE overall 80 (original target...

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How to Improve PTE Pronunciation Score

In the PTE Speaking part, pronunciation is scored by determining if your speech can be...

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