PTE Question Bank: Question Types, Format & More

pte question bank, question types & format

The real PTE exam day is around the corner, meaning that you must learn how to practice the PTE exam questions more to get familiar with them. You can try the PTE Question Bank as a reliable source to improve your score.

Here at PTE Magic, we provide the ultimate collection of updated exam questions in all four sections: reading, speaking, writing, and listening.

Let your hair down and entrust this PTE study resource because it can bring you tasks resembling the PTE official examination. If you focus on practicing with them, getting some certain tips, and keeping your self-confidence, a high score for the PTE exam is within your reach.

Key Takeaways

  • The PTE Practice Questions Bank covers all the PTE exam question types, allowing you to have a good study plan for learning the PTE exam without wasting much time getting any other questions.
  • The PTE exam question format in the bank aims to help you familiarise yourself with the difficult level, format, and kinds of questions you can encounter on the official day.
  • See how to access the Official Question Bank from reliable sources below.


What is a PTE Question Bank for?

pte question bank, question types & format

The PTE Question Bank covers all the PTE exam task types, allowing you to have a good study plan for learning PTE without wasting much time getting any other questions.

Professional experts prepare the questions and explanations with strict control. Therefore, you seem comfortable adopting them while practicing PTE exam tasks. The PTE Question Bank is ideal to help you overcome the test engagingly and comprehensively.

You can also identify your strengths, and weaknesses and monitor your progress by experiencing these questions. Remember to practice them daily to broaden your PTE knowledge.

How Can These PTE Practice Questions Help You?

The PTE exam question format in the bank aims to support you in familiarizing yourself with the difficult level, format, and kinds of questions you can encounter on the official day.

Through the website, you can get feedback on your performance, note your mistakes, and track your skills constantly.

In certain situations, you can receive interesting answers and feedback from the auto system, especially Speaking skills. They can be audio answers with good voices and pronunciation. You can follow the audio and practice to strengthen your pronunciation effectively.

The PTE Question Bank best benefits you in making up a good study plan. Below are our useful suggestions for this task:

  • Always set a specific goal for the number of PTE exam questions you need to practice daily and stick to it.
  • Use your clock to set time for each section and keep yourself within this limited time frame.
  • Check answers and explanations from each question.
  • Note your mistakes and try to find out why you failed to do them.
  • Practice and practice more with the PTE questions.


  • PTE Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Help You Get Higher Scores

What Types of Questions are Included in a Question Bank?

You will have a better orientation after getting our review about repeated questions in the PTE exam. In particular:

  • Speaking section: read loud, answer short questions, repeat sentence, describe images, and retell lecture.
  • Reading section: re-order paragraphs, multiple-choice questions, reading to fill in the blank, and fill in the normal blanks.
  • Writing section: summarize written texts and write PTE essays.
  • Listening section: multiple-choice questions, summarize spoken text, fill in the blanks, highlight the correct summary, highlight incorrect words,  choose missing words, and write from dictation.

How to get access to the Official Question Bank

You should get access to the Official Practice Questions Bank from reliable sources. Below is how to collect these questions from PTE Magic, including:

  • Visit the PTE Magic website, navigate to “Sign in,” and Log in (If you have an account) or Sign in (If you do not have an account). You must enter essential information at the register gate or select your email to connect a new account on PTE Magic.
  • After logging in to your account, a new display will show up. You can select “Practice PTE” of 8000+ questions with model answers for you to collect and practice.
  • You select the skill you want to learn (Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening).
  • Click on “Download” for a paid question bank or “AI Scoring” to practice right on the site. Each account is granted 20 free questions to practice in each task with no time limit. You can receive detailed explanations and scoring from PTE Magic.
  • Complete the payment and check your mail to get the documents.
  • Log in to your PTE MAGIC Practice Platform account and immediately try the Official Question Bank.

If you encounter any issues during the payment process and or don’t receive confirmation, don’t hesitate to contact PTE Magic to tackle them immediately. You can also try the Help 24/7 on the website to address your problem.


We have explained the role of the PTE Question Bank in improving your band in the PTE exam and how to access it on the PTE Magic website.

This material resource allows you to practice real test questions and analyze them with professional experts. It would be best if you practiced more and more to achieve your aim.

Don’t miss a chance to boost your English skills with reliable PTE materials. We believe that you will have the most wonderful experience with them.

Last updated on 20/06/2024

I am a firm believer that the best teachers educate with their hearts not just their minds.

Moni | PTE MAGIC International Founder

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